Monday, 1 December 2014

Getting Back to Blogging

Hello there lovelies

Well it’s certainly been a while since I last sat at my laptop and wrote a post. It’s not through want of trying, I was feeling particularly uninspired so decided not to force myself to write so took some time off, although the duration of this time off was A LOT longer than intended. Life kind of took over and before I knew it summer was over and now autumn is coming to an end too (this makes me sad as autumn is my favourite time of year) and I’m ready to get back to blogging a bit more regularly. Blogging is a great winter hobby for me as I’m always so busy in the summer, I’m very rarely in the house in summer but in the winter I opt to stay in and stay warm. I can’t think of any better way to spend my winter evenings than curled up on the sofa with a fluffy blanket, cup of tea and chocolates and biscuits healthy snacks and a great way to pass the time is to write blog posts. So I’m hoping to blog a bit more often now as I only leave the house to go to work, stock up on chocolates and biscuits healthy snacks and take the dog to the woods or beach (the beach is getting a bit cold though). So what have I been up to the last few months well not much to be honest, nothing that exciting, I just enjoyed the summer (I managed to get most of August off work) spending lots of time at the beach with my family. I got a new job, which is actually my dream job, I still can’t quite believe that I got it, more money better hours etc so a real win there. And of course lots of purchases have been made. So that’s about it really, I’m hoping to post my November favourites tomorrow so be sure to check back in for that. I’m also over on twitter (@Beauty_full14) and Instagram (@a_beauty_full_life) where I’ve posted a bit more often. Oh and thankyou to anyone that reads this.

Until next time


  1. Yay! Glad you're back...what's the new job????
    Rachel xx

    1. Ah thankyou. I'm a caseloading midwife, I was hospital based before but I'm in the community now xx
